How David Blankenhorn, William J. Doherty, Michael Malice, and others Are Using Stalinist/Marxist Political Psyops to Assimilate and Destroy President Trump and Conservatism

2 years ago

After watching the video, read the analysis and view the short videos and links below proving these people are Marxist Trump-hating revolutionaries.

Braver Angels is one of David Blankenhorn's many massively-funded progressive community organizing operations done since the early 1990's. Bill Doherty is the lead operative. They claim that political polarization is very dangerous and leading the nation to civil war. Conservatives know that we have not changed. Marxist revolutionaries forced "Social Justice", including Critical Race Theory, Trans story book readings in libraries, forced sexualization and mutilation of kids via Trans agenda, free drugs, drug legalization, and the entirety of the progressive nation.

Braver Angels is holding thousands of meetings around the country to "humanize" radical leftists so conservatives stop fighting the left. The meetings utilize psychological tricks and loaded questions supporting only progressive answers. Conservatives are guilt-tripped as haters if they do not shut up and go along with the left. This is the same "anti hate" trick used in CRT, pro-trans, and other issues.

In this CBS segment, Doherty seems to be a nice guy. Behind the scenes he is a radical communist operative, as I quickly prove below:

Bill Doherty is the key man in Braver Angels, acting as a "Citizen Therapist", which in his definition requires psychologists to block "anti-democrat" (Trump) policies by misusing their professional degrees.

Here are 3 Examples proving that Blankenhorn and Doherty are radical communists:

VIDEO: Bill Doherty on Becoming a "Citizen Therapist"

Doherty admits to being a secular humanist organizer devoted to stopping all "anti-democrat" policies.

VIDEO: Bill Doherty interview with radical activist John Gardiner: "Dr William Doherty is the founder of the grass roots movement Citizen Therapists For Democracy, dedicated to fighting "Trumpism," an "emerging form of American Fascism". He equates President Trump with the KKK and all other fascist anti-American "conservatives".

Clinton’s Alinsky Problem—and Ours. In this article, Blankenhorn admits that he has always been a radical Alinsky operative who modeled his work on Saul Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals". He admits that progressives polarized the nation and blames it on conservatives: "In order to organize, you must first polarize. And in order to polarize, you must first “personalize”—in every conflict, Alinsky teaches, you need a villain, an archenemy, who you view as personally embodying all that is evil and unjust. In 1971 Alinsky summed it up this way: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it….One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other.

This Mises Institute identifies Bill Doherty as one of the worst political psychologists in the nation, and goes into detail about how political psychology has been the hallmark of fascist regimes such as Russia and Hitler.


We have constantly witnessed Democrat organizers issue talking points used all up and down the media to simultaneously shout down conservatives in the progressive echo chamber (invented by Obama operative John Podesta in 2008). These guys are experts fooling conservatives to buy into the progressive agenda and amplify it on conservative talk shows.

Blankenhorn also has a separately-operated division apparently focusing on racial social justice called "One Small Step". It also pretends it has no money and is a blip on the radar. I note that Blankenhorn's operation IAV stopped filing financial reports in 2018. They had significant funding. We do not know what hidden corporate auspices they are operating under now. All of Blankenhorn's operations apparently work under the guise of "StoryCorps", operated by David Isay, which provides the Communist narratives being employed and injected into "mainstream" progressive dialogues. We are seeing the same echo chamber drumbeats from the entire diaspora of outlets from Bill Maher, Time, and CBS to gaslighted conservative outlets.

Here are links to the One Small Step division:

Here is one example demonstrating how conservatives and libertarian pseudo-conservatives are being invaded and assimilated: On Friday, 2/24/2023, Glenn Beck was fooled, doing a friendly interview with Michael Malice titled "America Is More Divided than Ever. And Thats Good" (Podcast 173).

Malice's work hinges on protecting "good" from "evil", but his target changes depending on the audience he is talking to.

Malice is a hard-core communist organizer, which is documented by the books he sells such as "The Anarchist Handbook", "The New Right: A Journey to the Fringe of American Politics"

Malice is doing everything possible to whip up conservative hate while Blankenhorn/Doherty and getting massive national coverage blaming conservatives for turning America into a chaotic and dangerous nation.

Note: I am not monetizing this video. It is posted under fair use doctrine as a mini-documentary on communism. I do not claim copyright on the original CBS broadcast.

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