Sexual Atrocities - Planet Of The Rapes (Full Album)

1 year ago

Band: Sexual Atrocities
Album: Planet Of The Rapes
Release: November 9, 2012
Genre: Brutal Deathgrind
Country: United States
Label: Get Pissed Stay Pissed Records

01. Abortomatic Prophylactic Tactic
02. Pig Nut Pillow
03. Zip The What Is It
04. Vag Dammage Sammich
05. Fuck Face The Dog Face
06. Raped In A Clown Car
07. Your Face Is The Place...Suck Me Off
08. Drug Crazed Retard
09. Carny Folk Fuck
10. Poopsmeared Papsmir
11. Flailing Phalanges Of The Fecalfiliac Featuring Filthy Fillipo
12. Dismembered Feces
13. Shady Sal
14. Pogo’s Magic Handcuff Show
15. Jim's On Call
16. Serpent Man's Bukkake
17. Feed Us Fetus Fajitas
18. John Merrick's Weird Penis
19. Eiffel Towered And Fingercuffed
20. Milk My Man Tits
21. Oral Annie The Incredible Suck Pig
22. Maggots In Your Coffin (Repulsion Cover)

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