Palestinian Calls for Jewish Temple

2 years ago

In an interview with media personality Avri Gilad, a former Palestinian terrorist named Mohamed Masad said that God brought the Jewish people from all over the world back to the land of Israel, so that the Jews will build the Holy Temple and bring peace to the world. Is that God's plan? Do most Muslims agree? The Temple Institute wants to disassemble the Dome of the Rock and the Muslim mosques on the 'Temple Mount' and move them elsewhere in order to build a "third Jewish Temple." What is an end-time prophetic role for Jews? Do Jewish leaders from the Temple Institute and the Reconstituted Sanhedrin believe that daily sacrifices can be implemented without the need to construct a massive Jewish Temple? What did they tell Dr. Thiel about that? What does the Bible say about that? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel go over these matters.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'Former Palestinian Terrorist Wants To See The Holy Temple Built’' URL:

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