History Found - Ep.2 - Castles

2 years ago

Recently stimulated by government funding, History Found returns with CASTLES! History is important now more than ever! Rely on only the best government subsidized history informative information... not some other history from some channel of reality TV history!

Some music courtesy of FreePD - Ice and Snow by Rafael Krux - https://freepd.com/

Back because I wanted to make another video, IT'S HISTORY FOUND. New characters, new subject matter, new distorted history!!!! The History Channel may have turned into a joke but History Found knows how to make a joke consume less time!!! No baking fake history with lines of definite maybe's! We use definite definites!

I need to start making some shirts or something to sell... everyone else is doing that. Maybe at some point... anyway if anyone is reading this, I hope you enjoyed the video. I spent a lot of time avoiding responsibilities crafting this pile of... HISTORY!

There should be something for social media but... frankly, I don't care enough. I'm not being paid for this and don't have the motivation to work in a steady fashion for free or fight with idiots on Twitter.
â–º SleeperCel.com - A website that is rarely updated!

That's it... can't think of anything more to add.

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