5-MeO-DMT Trip Report: Heaven, Ego death, White Void & Rainbows of Creation.

2 years ago

Trip report on my personal 5-MeO-DMT recent trip. Dmt or Dimethyltryptamine is a natural compound found in thousand of plants all around the world. Also found in animals & humans. It has been found in the pineal gland, lungs and other parts of the body of animals & humans. There are different variations of the compound. N N-DMT & 5-MeO DMT. 5-MeO-DMT is the main occuring compound in the poison secretion from the frog ''bufo avarius''. DMT is known to give what is commonly called an ego-death. When your older self metaphorically dies and you are reborn fresh and new. When your get an experience where you don't know what you are anymore and come back to consciousness and relearn what being human is all about. It is known to give a spiritual experience to the user and many claims to have ''met god'' in the experience. Also getting an out-of-body experience and visiting other dimensions or even getting in contact with other'' entities is reported at times. It could be aliens from other dimensions or the deepest depth of your unconscious mind. Everything is on the table. Dr. M.D Rick Strassman has done some previous research on the compound and many report getting in touch with something'' outside of themselves'' and swear the experience is more real than reality itself! Most people don't have has much visuals on 5-MEO-DMT than NN-DMT and report having more an experience of pure void of white space travel and meeting god or going to heaven temporarily! Nobody truly knows what these experiences are really about. But we can witness many positive transformation from some people who have used it and some sort of ''spiritual renewal'' after it. The depths of consciousness is limitless and the mystery continues on!

Disclaimer: This video is strictly for educational purposes.
Stay blessed my friends
I Love you whomever you are :) We are all One!!

Peace and love !


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#egodeath #bufoalvarius #god

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