20230225 A Contrarian Mindset and the Joys of Fatherhood

2 years ago

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I'm a freak. I'm a nut. I'm a weirdo. My brain simply doesn't work the way most people's brains do.

I'm a contrarian.

It gets me in a lot of trouble, because everyone seems to want to peg me onto Team A, or Team B. I'm not on either team, because when I see stupid, I call it stupid. Whether it's the Liberals in Ottawa, or the Conservatives at Queen's park.

This contrarian mindset is particularly notable with fatherhood. I know guys who say, "If I knew then what I know now, I'd never have had kids."


If I knew then what I know now, I'd have started 5 years earlier and had a couple more.

But in fatherhood, this contrarian mindset has served me well. At the same time I can't get enough time with my kids, they can't get enough time with me. Including my teenager, who looks for opportunities to spend more time with ol' Daddy.

I know I have paid for my peculiar mindset, it's actually cost me a lot of opportunity. But given that it seems to be working for the most important thing in my life, my family, I just don't care.

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