RBH #6 Local: Housing Crisis, PG&E Rate Rise, Scandals & Fraud

2 years ago

Reading Between the Headlines 6 Local

Reading Between the Headlines 6 Local
focuses on select local news and events in Humboldt County and throughout the rest of California that were reported around the third week of February 2023.

Disagreement vs Hate
This episode begins by looking at a highly relevant opinion piece by Liberty Lady, discussing how the government and media deceive the people into thinking they hate each other when they simply disagree. Liberty lady reminds us that we don't actually hate each other, suggesting that instead it is more often than not the result of psychological warfare designed with the purpose of dividing and distracting you and your fellow citizens.

Also discussed in this episode are some stories relating to local infrastructure, one being the roads impacted by snow. Additionally we discussed our electrical grids planned improvements and financial aspects involved in preparing it for the woke EVpocalypse. PG&E takes center stage on this issue, proposing even further increases on costs to all utilities throughout the state. Justifying the action through the need for replacing existing grid assets and building new assets that conform to state plans set in place by legislation.
Local Happenings

We look at Lumberjack Days celebrations, which are occurring at Cal poly Humboldt (formerly HSU), with significant changes to how the celebration has traditionally taken place. We also go over a story about the recent ban within Eureka city limits on new digital billboards. In state news we look at new monetary assistance programs that are rolling out to qualified California across the state. Also discussing a strange recent near total shutdown of digital services provided by tri counties Bank in the Sacramento area.

The firing of a police chief in Oakland is a scandal that we look at in this episode. Also the allegedly sexist comments by Humboldt County Board Supervisors very own Rex Bohn. Within this topic we look at a local news piece that actually shines light and asks questions about the train derailment disaster in Ohio and a recent story out of Chico California about a school keeping secrets from a parent and the resulting lawsuit.

We look at a couple of stories generated from the sheriff's department aggregated content on the LCP news site. Additionally you look at a report of violent crimes committed by family members together and a structure fire. We also examine a couple stories involving missing persons who were discovered deceased in the wilds of Humboldt and Del-Norte County, one of which was a young male found at the beach near Trinidad and the other a 70-year-old female mushroom hunter near Gasket.

Homelessness Crisis
This week's headlines include a shelter crisis for homeless people in del Norte County. Also a recap on the Cal poly housing catastrophe from last episode, noting that the University eventually caved to some student demands. Another story discusses the question of how State funds are used in addressing homelessness and the housing crisis. Last we review a video of a local private sector social engagement group, who contacts and attempts to provide homeless individuals with information on how to access local resources.

We will take a close look at each event to understand how it affects our community, also weighing in with some different perspectives in which these circumstances might be interpreted.

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