2 years ago

JKD Sifus Raymond Bray and Mike Goldberg of Keller, Texas welcome y'all to another "JKD Old Fart Friday Night Session"!!! TONIGHT, you'll learn how to handle some one grabbing one of your wrists and yanking you forward !!! Frankly, if your JKD awareness level was working properly you'd would have attacked him with either a hand strike or low kick before he could even grab you hand, but, sometimes things happen!!! Like most grabs or pulls once they been initiated it best to go with the flow and in this particular instance stepping forward with your right leg and shoulder bumping your attacker, then following up with a straight palm strike and finishing up with a hammerstrike to the nose area. We hope you NEVER have to use it !!! Whether for private instruction or seminar information please email jkd sifu mike goldberg at grampsfu@yahoo.com. ( Both instructors are certified as full instructors under Sifus Bob Bremer, James Sewell, and of course Sifu Tim Tackett. )
DISCLAIMER: Neither the author, publisher, nor any of their agents or representatives are responsible for any injury that may result from the application or practice of the aforementioned concepts, exercises, methods, and techniques in this video.

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