Episode 1.3: Were the principles of self-government present in the colonies from the beginning?

2 years ago

English Colonies

This video describes the founding of the first successful English colonies in North America. It discusses the colonies of Jamestown, the Massachusetts Bay Colony and Rhode Island. Some of the colonies are more successful than others and already, at this early stage of development, patterns can be seen that will lead the colonies to break away from England. Jamestown struggles initially as the settlers seek their fortunes and neglect to understand that their primary challenge was survival. Eventually a member of the colony, John Smith, leads the colonists to the habits and patterns of behavior that will enable them to survive their ordeal. While Jamestown was founded for financial gain the colonies of Massachusetts Bay and Rhode Island were founded for Religious reasons. John Winthrop, the leader of the Puritans of Massachusetts Bay, leads his colony as they flee the religious persecution the Puritans experienced in England. Ironically Roger Williams, the founder of Rhode Island, was fleeing the religious persecution of the Puritans. The Puritan leaders kicked him out of Massachusetts Bay because he practiced religion in a way they deemed to be heretical. This is the beginning of the principles of freedom of religion that still influence the United States today. It was during this colonial time period that you also see the first rebellion that is due to a lack of representation in government. Bacons rebellion can be seen as an early expression of the colonial desire for government that is considerate of the needs of the governed.

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