2-24-2023 "They Still Won't Look" and 2-20-2023 Three Reactors dreams

2 years ago

2-21 2023, many conversations and voices heard. Thought the Holy Spirit and was given a vision of three strong sturdy huge cream-colored cement reactors with significant evenly-spaced lines on them with disgusting white clouds coming out of them, on a very blue Sunny regular Cloud Day. Thought the Holy Spirit for a few days and on to 24 2023 at 3:14 a.m. Holy Spirit said "They Still Won't Look." I sought confirmation from Holy Spirit about if this was from Him and have the same thing a number of times. He keeps doing things for and with people, and they still won't look. He wants you to look and see Him, to behold what He's done for you. Click on the video and participate. Links are below that will help people to look to Him and see!

Upper Room Texas, "Behold This One," and


The Chosen series is free on the app.

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