Ventilation, tracheostomy, IV fluids, TPN, central lines, dialysis can it be done at home? Live!

2 years ago

Ventilation, tracheostomy, IV fluids, TPN, central lines, dialysis can it be done at home? Live stream! Book your free 15 minute phone consultation here

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Welcome to the livestream of and My name is Patrik Hutzel from Intensive Care at Home and

Today’s topic is “Ventilation, Tracheostomy, IV fluids, TPN, Central lines, PICC lines, Hickman’s lines, Port Catheters, Dialysis, Can it be Done at Home instead of Intensive Care?”

This is a question we get quite frequently and it’s time to shed some light on this question and help families to make decisions when they have a loved one in intensive care.

Before we dive right into it, let’s do a little bit of housekeeping. Before I get started, you might wonder what makes me qualified to talk about today’s topic.

Again, my name is Patrik Hutzel. I’m the founder and director of Intensive Care at Home, where we provide home care, specialized intensive home care nursing for predominantly long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies as a genuine alternative to a long-term stay in intensive care. I’m also the founder and director of Intensive Care Hotline, where we provide a consulting and advocacy service for families in intensive care all around the world with Intensive Care at Home.

At the moment, we are predominantly providing services on the east coast in Australia, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, but also the countryside of Victoria, countryside of New South Wales, countryside of Queensland, but we are also prepared to go into any other state within Australia at the moment.

Our services in Australia are mainly funded by the NDIS, by the National Disability Insurance Scheme, but also by the DVA, Department of Veteran Affairs, or by the TAC (Transport Accident Commission) in Victoria, or Icare in New South Wales, as well as NIIS (National Injury Insurance Scheme) in Queensland. So, that’s a little bit of background there.

I have worked in intensive care for over 20 years in three different countries. Out of those over 20 years, I have worked as a nurse unit manager in intensive care for over five years. I argue, I looked after thousands of critically ill patients in intensive care over the many years. I’m here to help you. I’m here to help you navigate the challenging issues that come with critical care and intensive care and having a family member in there.

Thanks for the welcome, Modema and Helene. Nice to see you again. It’s great to have you on these live streams on a regular basis. Thank you.

So, if you have any questions to today’s topic, in regards to today’s topic, please type them into the chat pad and I will get to them. If they’re off-topic, but still related to intensive care and critical care, please ask those questions and I will get to them after I’ve gone through today’s topic. You’re also welcome to dial in live on the show and ask your questions over the phone to the audience and to myself. We can do that, again, probably in about 30 minutes when I’ve gone through today’s topic. So, that’s all in terms of housekeeping.

I know we have people in the U.S. and Canada, as well as in the U.K. watching, especially when it comes to Intensive Care at Home as well. Unfortunately, we’re not in the U.S. and Canada or the U.K. yet with Intensive Care at Home. However, I still believe we can help you if you have questions around Intensive Care at Home, because we could potentially send you on or refer you to some services. They’re not quite as specialized as we are here, but there is still scope for some of the services in the U.S. to provide at least some of the services that we provide here in Australia. Same in the U.K., there are some smaller organizations that can help you with services such as Intensive Care at Home, even though they’re not as specialized as we are.

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