The MRU Chronicles (Episode - 1)

2 years ago

Hello everyone!

Welcome to The MRU Chronicles! A new sci-fi adventure visual novel series chronicling the journey's, and adventures, of the greatest mercenary team of all time: The Multiverse Response Unit (MRU) a squad of highly skilled crack commandos who take on high-risk and high-paying contract operations throughout time and space.

This series will feature a lot of fun, humor and action. It's intended to take you on a fun journey and hopefully brighten the day of everyone who watches. If it takes you away from your problems, struggles and worries in life for 30 minutes then it's served it's purpose. :).

I created these characters and stories during a dark and stressful time in my life. Writing about these characters and their adventures was a way for me to deal with things mentally. It was an escape that helped me get through one of the worst periods in my life.

I'm in a much better place now. This last year has been devoted to learning the skills needed from the ground up to create this CGI adventure. I've gone through much to make this happen including setbacks and personal struggles, but through it I've persevered to bring to you this new adventure.

My hope is that this series can be a means for others to escape their worries and stresses in life to join the MRU team on a fun adventure and by doing so help others through their own personal struggles the way these characters and stories have done for me.

I wish you all the absolute best in your life journeys.

If you enjoyed the show please consider subscribing to receive notifications when future episodes are available.

Thank you so much!

If you're interested in supporting future episodes of this series check out my Patreon here:

Patreon's will receive access to behind the scenes development on episodes in the series as well as Patreon only exclusive content! :)

Special thanks to the amazingly talented artist Sub Morphine for permission to use their song DownShift from their latest album CyberDawn.

Check them out here:

The following music from Soudstripe was also used in this episode:

Song Artist Content ID
-------- --------- -----------------
Victory Ellison TRK7GTUK7YT8GBVH
A Hostile Encounter Hill J6MNRPJMQTVJJQBC
Roulette Alternate Endings 82JRUAGA64A1ZZSE

#animation #DAZStudio #Blender #visualnovel #DAZ3D #3D #art

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