Daily Chess play - 1339 - Even pieces both games but I edged out with an advantage each time

1 year ago

First game, Even game all the way through except his structure was slightly weaker than mine due to his pawn on e5. He can leave his Bishop there but I think I can work my way up. He was also low on time and probably why he resigned.

Second game, Even game but I had his King move so he can''t castle. This left his King vulnerable throughout the game. Began with pawn taking pawn on f4. Left his King pinned to pawn on f6 by my Rook. He moves pawn on f5 which I take with my Knight. I keep checking until we trade Queens. At this point I am up 4 pawns. So I will just trade off anything at this point. I get my pawn promoted first and then I promote a second pawn. Then checkmate with 3.6 seconds to spare.

Chose to end with two wins. Too many losses lately =) Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #endlessgaming #daily #learning #fork #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win #errors #hang

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