If There Was No Winter [Кабы Не Было Зимы] - Nightcore Version

2 years ago

Classic Russian song, "If There Was No Winter" (Кабы Не Было Зимы), brought to you in Nightcore edition. This beloved tune captures the essence of the joys and pleasures that come with the winter season, including building snowmen, skiing, and playing in the snow.

The Nightcore version of this song is an energetic and upbeat remix that adds a whole new level of intensity to the already iconic lyrics. With its catchy beat and soaring vocals, the Nightcore version of "If There Was No Winter" will have you dancing and singing along in no time.

Despite its lighthearted tone, this song carries an important message about the importance of winter in our lives. It reminds us of the many cherished memories and experiences that we associate with the cold season, from the New Year's festivities to the beauty of a snow-covered landscape.

So, if you're looking for a nostalgic and uplifting tune that celebrates the joys of winter, look no further than Nightcore's version of "If There Was No Winter" (Кабы Не Было Зимы).

Image used:

Original song:
Кабы не было зимы Марина Третьякова

*Disclaimer*: If you are the creator of this song or the owner you don't want me to use it in my video, email me and I'll take it down - flameofeternity666@gmail.com

Lyrics (Russian):
Кабы не было зимы

Кабы не было зимы
В городах и сёлах,
Никогда б не знали мы
Этих дней весёлых.
Не кружила б малышня
Возле снежной бабы,
Не петляла бы лыжня,
Кабы, кабы, кабы...

Кабы не было зимы, -
В этом нет секрета, -
От жары б увяли мы,
Надоело б лето.
Не пришла бы к нам метель
На денёк хотя бы,
И снегирь не сел на ель,
Кабы, кабы, кабы...

Кабы не было зимы,
А всё время лето,
Мы б не знали кутерьмы
Новогодней этой.
Не спешил бы Дед Мороз
К нам через ухабы,
Лёд на речке б не замёрз,
Кабы, кабы, кабы...

Кабы не было зимы
В городах и сёлах,
Никогда б не знали мы
Этих дней весёлых.

Lyrics (English):
If there were no winter
If there were no winter
In cities and villages,
We would not live
These funny days.
The kiddies would not be playing
Around snowmen,
And the ski-track would not twist,
If, if, if ...

If there was no winter,
It's no secret,
We would fade of heat,
We would be tired of summer.
The snowstorm would not come
Not even for a day,
And the bullfinch would not sit on the firtree,
If, if, if ...

If there was no winter,
And if it was summer all the time,
We would not know the New Year’s fuss,
Ded Moroz would not rush
To our house through pits and bumps,
And the ice on the river would not freeze,
If, if, if ...

If there were no winter
In cities and villages,
We would not live
These funny days

Lyrics Link:

Program used:
DaVinci Resolve 18

Quote of the day:
"Winter is not a season, it's a celebration." - Anamika Mishra

#Nightcore #RussianMusic #Nostalgia

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