A very drunk man caused a fatal accident in Texas

2 years ago

A very drunk man caused a fatal accident in Texas.

(drunk driver so much vodka that his blood alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit)

He crashed into a car with a child and parents. The father, who was driving, instantly died after the collision, and the child and mother were locked in a mangled car. The victims were pulled out by passers-by.

The videos were recently released now that the drunk driver has been convicted and sentenced to prison.

In November 2021, Dylan Molina drunkenly crashed his rental Jeep into a sedan while. Moments after the crash, Molina — 26 years old at the time — ran away from the scene. He did not make it far. Molina face-planted.
"You stay right there, mother f**ker! You see what you did?!" the good Samaritan said.

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