Woe Prince Of Tyre

1 year ago

Hello my friends. I left the secular music industry in 1989, after 20 plus years of following the god of this world. In those days, he kept himself in the shadows, using people like myself, who were unknowingly promoting his agenda through the music we played.

Today, his philosophy,"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law," which was espoused and promoted by satanist Aleister Crowley, is on the lips and in the minds of millions in the secular music industry, who knowingly have literally sold their souls to the devil for a few brief years of riches, glory and fame, and who will eventually be destroyed. You will find Crowley's picture in the top left hand corner of the Beatles' album Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, and you will hear his name on the lips of satanist Ozzy Osbourne as he sings about "Mr. Crowley" and Satan.

The Rolling Stones have always had "Sympathy For The Devil", as their music confirms, but they too will soon become like their founding member, Brian Jones, who along with Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Keith Moon, Jim Morrison, Freddie Mercury, John Bonham, John Lennon, Kurt Cobain and hundreds of others, have been destroyed by the one that the Bible calls the father of all lies and the destroyer of souls, through the addictions and violence that the rock and roll industry promotes through rebellious life styles. Today, it's still "sex, drugs and rock and roll".

Please watch "They Sold Their Souls For Rock and Roll" at • Video
and may YAHOVAH give you eyes to see and ears to hear, and the courage to break away from this demonic music and lifestyle.

"Woe Prince of Tyre" is based on my own personal experiences.
I once sang the blues until I heard the news of what Jesus Christ did for me. He willingly suffered the cross on Calvary, so that sinners like you and me, could be forgiven, and by faith in Christ, have eternal life in His kingdom.

By the grace of YAHOVAH, I am His today, and I have His promise of eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ. YAHOVAH is also offering you eternal life through His Son. The prince of Tyre, aka Lucifer and Satan, can only offer you eternal damnation and destruction in the lake of fire, through his music, his addictions, and his lifestyle.

YAHOVAH says in Deu 30:19, "I call on heaven and earth as witnesses today that I have offered you life or death, blessings or curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants will live."

So choose today whom you will serve, the devil or the LORD. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

You can download this song and copy the lyrics for free by visiting my new website at https://www.thebloodofthelamb.net. Thanks for watching. Shalom.

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