Be Your Biggest Fan | The Tim Weichselbaum Show | Ep. 65

2 years ago

How the heck you gonna expect anyone else to be your fan if you aren't even a fan of yourself? That's the main subject of this episode. Motivation to be an artist has to come from within. You have to believe what you are doing is fantastic, and maybe then other people will like it too. If you don't get enjoyment out of making the art, you can't be too surprised if other people don't enjoy it, either.

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0:00 - Seltzer / soda / sparkling Water
3:15 - Sharing ChapStick with strangers
5:36 - Bringing stevia with you to places
6:22 - Podcast studio update
9:29 - Comedy update
17:58 - Being a fan of yourself
21:14 - Being off cannabis, nihilism
26:14 - Your prefrontal cortex is not your enemy
28:24 - Feeling like my current age
30:39 - The mushrooms are hitting
31:03 - Being a fan of yourself (cont.)
35:15 - Baseline Dopamine Levels (BDL)
42:45 - Getting the woman of your dreams
44:48 - Charisma & likability vs character
49:05 - Mean jokes, blaming the audience
54:30 - The many roles of a comedian
59:12 - Enjoying the struggle as an artist
1:02:53 - Outro

#selflove #selfimprovement #comedy #podcast

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