Episode 40 - Events, Part 1: Psychological Operations, Live Exercises & False Flags

2 years ago

History dictates that False Flags, PsyOps, then Live Exercises were implemented in this order. Logic suggests a PsyOp prepares a Live Exercise which is implemented as a False Flag. In 20th and 21st century America, some standout Events matter most, and guide fabricated violence for the sake of geoeconomic and geopolitical gain.

An Event is a happening of graphic violence, either depicted or real, with the outcome to become mainstream and influential for economic (and media) or political (and legal) gain. Since we begin with Projects & Operations, let's start with a Psychological Operation (PO). A PsyOp is a planned Event (usually by a government agency) with the intention of influencing a particular group's psyche, or their mental reconstruction of reality and/or perception (see Overton window as an example). A Live Exercise (LE) is a practiced and staged Event by the agency (i.e. economic or political). A False Flag (FF) is the implemented Live Exercise with real life expectations of injury or death.

Americanhardmind & Synchronicity discuss the idea, the practice and the Event for the following:

Projects & Operations
Montauk Project, 1943: www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFlWQsViXNc @ 8:18
Operation Paperclip, 1945-1959, Nazi scientists to USA
MKUltra project, 1951, mind manipulation
Project Blue Book, 1952, UFO investigations
Project Orion, 1958, nuclear starships
Operation Northwoods, 1962, fake terrorism to blame on Cuba
Operation Mockingbird, 1967, newsmedia propaganda: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl2Zyv6msMM & https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB222/family_jewels_full.pdf
Project Popeye, 1967-1972, cloud seeding in Vietnam

All "Projects & Operations" information taken from their Wikipedia entries.

JFK, TX, 1963 (MLK, X, RFK...)
Challenger, 1985
Waco, TX, 1993: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Liyvr0rlNVw
Oklahoma City, OK, 1995: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zYD5Q_2nA0
9/11, NYC, 2001
3/11, Madrid, 2004: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLB3DVNQ9L4
7/7, London, 2005: youtube.com/watch?v=gwyqT7rcCYk
Boston Bombing, MA, 2013 (Tsarnaev brothers): www.youtube.com/watch?v=66I5-17k4SI
BLM, 2013 (w/Trayvon Martin, 2012 & George Floyd, 2020)
COVID-19, 2020
Election 2020, 2020
1/6, 2021

Correction: Gulf of Tonkin was surely not part of WWII but was a false flag precursor to the Vietnam War. Sam Jones was not murdered, but singer Sam Cooke. Travyon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman.

This is what to expect in Episode 41:
Events, Part 2: Mass Shootings

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