Is Life on Earth an Evil Soul-Trap? Thoughts I’ve Been Pondering

1 year ago

Source: Sara K "Thoughts I’ve Been Pondering"

We have all heard about the tunnel of light that our soul follows upon leaving the physical body, but what is the true meaning of the life review? Why does a life review almost always involve having us continuously looping back into this 3rd dimensional reality and what can we do to stop these cycles of reincarnation? Just by having this knowledge upon death, you can opt out of the reincarnation process without being persuaded to come back for having to repay negative karmic debts. Many of those who have predeceased us have already bought into the system but if they have not yet reincarnated or have made a soul contract, then they may also be saved from having to do this, yet again. It’s truly a brilliant strategy by the archons to use the energy of love against us in order to keep us coming back as economic slaves to a system that feeds off of our energies. Remember, “As above, so below”. Just about everything we have been taught is a lie, including why we need to constantly incarnate into a system of economic subservience. Upon death, we take what we have learned, including our personality. We also vibrate at a certain level, so as you increase your vibration now you will take all of your hard work with you. Remember to connect with your oversoul before entering the tunnel of light or ask your guide to help you to connect to your oversoul. If you wish, you could tell people about the tunnel of light before they enter it. If you enter the tunnel of light, do not allow any council to convince you that you need to repay any karmic debt. Any perceived karmic debt was part of what you decided to experience. This doesn’t mean that you should have no guilt for intentionally harming someone because ultimately, we should love everyone and respect everything.


"Moksha from Earth" about the lighttrap:
"Archons rule Earth" about the 7 planetary rulers:
"Dark Side of Jesus" about John, the true Christos:

Watch: "Jesus was a Usurper",-John-the-Baptist-was-the-True-Christ.-The-Johannite-Tradition.:9
Watch: "The Templar Revelation"
!!! MUST WATCH - Psychic project on "Freedom from Soul-Loosh Harvesting"!!!

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