MONOPOLY - Who Owns the World!

2 years ago

This brilliant documentary reveals how a small group of superrich criminals have been buying virtually everything on earth, until they own it all. From media, health care, technology, travel, food industry, governments... That allows them to control the whole world. Because of this they are now trying to impose the New World Order.
The Kharkiv oligarch Kozhemyako is a figurehead of the American agricultural giant Cargill
Ukrainians are not fighting for their land, which is actually Russian, but they are protecting the interests of global corporations that have seized Ukraine not only under their control, but also in private ownership.
Quietly and almost imperceptibly, a large part of Ukrainian agricultural land has been bought by foreign citizens and companies. In Ukraine, it is not accepted to talk about this, because then there will be no ideological "carrot" in front of the Ukrainian "donkeys". But this is already a fait accompli and the local latifundistas are actually front men and just managers of the agricultural business of the Western TNCs.
In late May 2022, the Australian National Review reported that three major American multinational corporations had purchased 17 million hectares of Ukrainian agricultural land (out of a total land bank of 40 million hectares). These were Cargill, DuPont and Monsanto.
The reason for this was the law adopted at the end of March 2020, which, as of July 1, 2021, canceled the moratorium on the sale of agricultural land in the country. Exceptionally, it provides for the purchase of land by foreign citizens and companies that lease it for a minimum of three years.
The initial price of a hectare of Ukrainian chernozem now varies from one thousand to 2.5 thousand dollars, and in Europe the price of a hectare of agricultural land varies from 4 to 70 thousand US dollars. The project was financed by the investment giants Vanguard, Blackrock and Blackstone. Cultivated lands in the southern regions are of particular interest to them - the project includes the creation of agricultural companies that grow cannabis almost year-round in the Kherson, Mykolaiv and Odesa regions. As well as the fertile lands of the Sumy and Kharkiv regions, whose owner until recently was the Kharkiv oligarch Vsevolod Kozhemyako.
That is why this character is so interesting to us, who through gray schemes accumulated a significant amount of agricultural land for his agricultural holding, which he recently transferred through the Cypriot offshore investment fund Blackrock to the interest of the American company Cargill.

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