How they brainwash 7 billion people.

1 year ago

Source: Istillhavehope

I have been TV FREE for over 21 years. After 9/11 when I saw the MAINSTREAM MEDIA do a complete BLACKOUT on WTC#7 which was the biggest smoking gun evidence I was completely DISGUSTED that the media was lying through OMISSION!! Pissed me off so much I canceled by cable subscription where they could not even PAY ME to have it in my home. I became a hell of a lot smarter after that day without all the PROGRAMS PROGRAMMING my mind.

Operation Mockingbird came out in the late 1940's and they would put the evening news (propaganda) because they knew people were tired after their days work where your mind is in a more SUGGESTIBLE state for their propaganda lies. They know everything about our minds and how it works. Probably why so many have been BRAINWASHED about vaccines from Rockefeller Medicine industry that is run for profit and not curing.

I traveled the world 20 years ago and the one thing I noticed in poor 3rd world countries that had mud huts that they all had a SATELLITE on their mud huts and TV inside so the propaganda reaches even the poor!
TV was the worst weapon unleashed on man!!

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