zinc tin alloy die cast pot metal Saturday night special Ring Fire low melt point receiver frame law

2 years ago

Poverty low-income, poor people de facto ban ECONOMIC DISCRIMINATION & the selective enforcement when cops wanted plastic glocks

a gun brought on Friday might explode on Saturday night only lasting a single day said a
1917/09/29 Coffeyville Daily Journal that coined the term "Saturday night special"
1968 Gun Control Act banned the importation of cheaply manufactured guns
& caused the Ring of Fire USA companies to be opened from 1973 to 1999
& may have caused a shift from ;
1985 incarcerated felon criminals preferring revolvers over semi-automatic firearms
1995 incarcerated felon criminals preferring semi-automatic firearms over revolvers
this caused gun Roster Boards to use judgment of fitness for Sporting, self-protection, or police purpose, based on concealability, ballistic accuracy, safety, reliability, drop test, loaded chamber indicators, trigger locks, detectability, total weight,
& quality as hinging on;
800 to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit melting point
& 7.5 grams per cubic centimeter density &
55,000 PSI tensile strength as minimums
so some bronze & brass frames did qualify
in states like Massachusetts Maryland California DC New York, Illinois,
Hawaii, Minnesota South Carolina, Wisconsin, Oregon New Jersey BUT

1218 F Aluminum (45,000 psi) vs 55000 psi 2024-T4 alloy was not dense enough?

-038 Mercury
0111 Phosphorous
0146 Potassium
0208 Sodium
0390 Tin-Zinc alloy eutectic solder
0423 Selenium
0450 Tin (31900 psi) ( HEY another fun project for waptek!)
0610 Cadmium
0621 Lead (2610 psi)
0787 Zinc (5370 psi)



= other citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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I denounce & DEBUNK any acts of violence on any person, being group or establishment

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fear, ignorance & anger are the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, don't be #4!



This video is only for facts science Experiment or entertainment & Any actions
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for any actions you perform, Do not try to do anything discussed in this work &
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