KanekoaTheGreat DavidSacks discusses how the Biden administration's Ukrainian policies ...

1 year ago

discusses how the Biden administration's Ukrainian policies are driving Russia, China, and India toward forming a new axis bloc:

"We are pushing China and Russia together into a new axis block. This is very foolish. Even during the Cold War, we worked to keep Russia and China apart. And, whatever you think of those regimes today, they were much worse back then.

Remember, the Soviets had a Stalinist regime, and the Chinese had Mao; those are two of the three biggest mass murders of the 20th century, and Nixon and Kissinger still went to China and shook Mao's hand and toasted him because it was important to keep China and the Soviet Union divided.

And what are we doing today? We are basically pushing them together with all this condemnation and outrage. It is not a smart strategy.

This is poisoning our relationship with India. India is the biggest democracy in the world, and our relations with them have gone south since this war because they have a friendship with Russia that goes back a long way."
12:31 AM · Feb 25, 2023

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