We are expected to bear fruit (The barren fig tree Luke 13:6-9)

1 year ago

We are expected to bear fruit (The barren fig tree Luke 13:6-9)
I work in the purchasing world of the mining industry and if there is one thing we can not stand is for a part or piece of equipment to show up and not do what we expect it to do. I mean if anyone spends their money on an item, they expect it to work as advertised or they want their money back. You would not be happy to go out and buy a fifty-thousand-dollar vehicle only to get it home and it never work again. I mean you did not invest this much money to have a beautiful lawn ornament setting in front of your house, you want it to do what you intended for it to do when you purchased it. In this parable, Jesus gives us some powerful insight as to what is expected of us as a part of His Kingdom when he says that the vineyard owner showed up expecting his fig trees to be producing fruit. I mean he had given them three years to mature to the point that productivity was expected and now he wanted to begin harvesting what was produced. When we give our heart to Jesus, we must realize that He gives us plenty of opportunity to mature but then comes a point when we are expected to begin producing fruit for His kingdom. There are to be no barren trees in the kingdom of God we are all called to bear fruit for His Kingdom.
Spiritual maturity is something that we should all strive for as believers but sadly many choose to walk in spiritual infancy never growing in their relationship with God. The Apostle Paul dealt with this in his letter to the Hebrews when in chapter 5 he told them that by this point in their relationship with Christ they should be teaching others but instead they keep having to be taught fundamentals over and over. This should be an insult to us all that we are stuck in perpetual spiritual childhood but instead of motivating us to grow and mature many have simply chosen to embrace it as who they are. They do not desire to go any deeper with God, they are ok with the basics over and over, they have no personal study plan for the Word of God, and they are not willing to inconvenience themselves to go deeper. They do not want the meat and they are perfectly happy sucking on a bottle because the more you know the more you are accountable for. They live there lives oblivious to the fact that one day God is going to come and inspect their life for the fruit that is supposed to be there and when it is not present, He will remove them from His garden. Examine your heart today are you producing fruit for the Kingdom of God or are you a dormant tree that is just taking up space and void of any spiritual production that benefits God’s Kingdom.

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