An American Political Dissident's Response to President Biden's 2023 Warsaw Speech

2 years ago

I am an American conscientious objector opposed to American tax dollars being spent providing arms for proxy wars.

I believe that we Americans should prioritize taking care of our own people.

There was a lot more that I wanted to address in my response. The thing is, Biden omitted a lot of information on the Ukraine conflict that would portray the Ukraine conflict as problematic on both sides - for example, numerous allegations of war crimes committed by the Ukrainian military, including false flags. So, both sides stand accused of war crimes.

I majored in Russian in college, and I have done my best to research the Ukraine conflict. So far, I have found documentation pointing to the Ukraine conflict originating with a US-supported coup d'état in 2014. The Nuland-Pyatt phone conversation was posted online WHILE President Yanukovych was STILL in office. Documentation that I have seen on the Revolution of Dignity / Maidan protest bloodbath of February 20, 2014 points to pro-democracy snipers sniping demonstrators in a false flag operation, to blame Yanukovych's Berkut police force.

The following day, February 21, 2014, Yanukovych signed concessions for the protesters. Dmytro Yarosh, leader of the Ukrainian militant nationalist group Right Sector, stated at one point during the protests that his group would not break up their blockade - of government buildings, I believe - unless Yanukovych was ousted.

The same day that Yanukovych signed the concessions - that included earlier elections, but not the immediate end of Yanukovych's presidency - February 21, 2014 - Yanukovych left Kiev, for pre-planned trips to meet with regional leaders in Kharkov, Donetsk and Crimea.

According to documentation I have seen, a member of his presidential guard that was a part of his motorcade stated that their motorcade came across five checkpoints and were shot at twice. In one of the incidents, the guard came within centimeters of losing his life. He was carrying a holster with a magazine pouch in front of his chest. The sniper bullet hit the magazine in his magazine pouch.

There have been claims of other incidents with the presidential air fleet: issues with the helicopters and the presidential airplane. I'm still in the process of translating the interviews of alleged witnesses, but I believe that a witness stated that a pilot was told that some of the orders were coming from Oleksandr Turchynov in Kiev, the guy who would become the interim president of Ukraine immediately after Yanukovych's outing.

It seemed as if wherever Yanukovych and his guards went, they were running into security issues. That's why Yanukovych believed that he had to flee. It does not appear to be the result of dereliction of duty.

The new / interim government passed a law, granting amnesty to anyone who had committed a crime at the protests, while also making it illegal to store or publish personally-identifiable information on anyone at the protests.

Protest leader Andriy Parubiy's office was in charge of the investigations into the sniper bloodbath. As I understand it, no thorough investigation was ever completed, and families never received ballistics reports. Extant footage often points to buildings controlled by protesters as the locations where the snipers were. And I believe that Parubiy benefited from the regime change.

It is for reasons like this that I consider the "Revolution of Dignity" - aka the Maidan protests - most likely to have been an insurrection and coup d'état. The US supported the new government, and that seems to have been the main source of the Ukraine conflict.

In his2023 Warsaw speech, Biden made a number of claims against Putin and the Russian forces, but he provided NO documentation of his allegations, so it is unclear to me the degree to which he is telling the truth.

I can attest as a MAGA Republican that Biden has a history of abusive rhetoric and distortion of facts for political gain. Biden is probably right about some things. I think it depends.

At any rate, the situation is what it is.

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