Daily Chess play - 1323 - Free Knight twice on the same square XD

2 years ago

First game, I could have taken Knight on h5 on move 22 but I didn't see it for some reason. It happens twice even XD. I managed to draw the game later. Wow, what I am doing hahaha...

Second game, Even game until move 33 where my pawn gets taken on g4. I get my Queen into enemy territory and I start taking pawns. I keep checking his Queen until checkmate.

Third game, I make the first error on move 10 where I move Bishop which lets Queen take g7. I even warned myself in my head not to do that... He gets two 3 pawn advantage and Knight vs Bishop. He makes trades and end up with too much of a pawn advantage. Lose the game.

Better this time but game 1 I should have won. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #endlessgaming #daily #learning #fork #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win #errors #hang

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