I Didn't See That Ending Coming! - Rumbleverse (Part 20)

2 years ago

I have no words to describe how much I absolutely loathe when the camera goes into first-person mode. I, partly, blame that for one of my KO's. I think I could've fought back, at least a little better, if that hadn't happened.

But, anyway, that ending! I sure didn't see that coming! LOL!

I'm gonna have longer videos since Rumbleverse is ending. I'm trying to pack as much playtime in as I can while I still can. Also, I still have quite a few videos that I haven't had the chance to upload yet. I'll probably have even more before the game ends. So, expect Rumbleverse videos from me for at least a couple more weeks.

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed it, I'd love it if you'd hit the like button and subscribe to my channel. It's greatly appreciated! :)

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