'Karen Apocalypse' | Official Movie Trailer | HD

2 years ago

The ‘Karen Apocalypse’ has erupted as the number of women who feel the need to judge because they are unhappy with themselves has skyrocketed. As this crisis has developed, it has unveiled the number of women that haven't learned to mind their own business and feel the need to infringe on the rights, lives and peace of others.

If you know anybody that is showing symptoms of Karenoma, please contact your nearest Animal Control for professional help by calling 888-SHE-WILD


Created and Written by Steven F. Gooden-Cohen
Directed by Parker Dickey
Cinematography and Photography by Parker Dickey
Musical Score by Steven F. Gooden Champ
Character Creation credited to Covid-19

Song: Dance in the Rhythm of the Light
by Steven F. Gooden Champ


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