POMODORO technique for STUDY, WORK and concentrate - 5 pomodoro timmer 📚 ⏰️

2 years ago

Pomodoro Technique room to Manage Your Time

Enter this inspire "starry night room" when you want to focus and concentrate using the pomodoro technique.

This technique was created by Francesco Cirillo, who was looking for a way to increase his productivity in his studies during his first years at university.
It conscious in cycles of deep immersion of 25 minutes in her activities, with focus and without interruptions, at the end of the 25 minutes an alarm is triggered and you have a 5-minute break.

Each cycle then lasts 30 minutes. Use as many cycles as you need and see how you increase your productivity. This video has immersion of 5 pomodoros!

Watch it whenever you plan to study, work and focus on an important activity that requires concentration.

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