Metal Gear Solid V - The Untold Phantoms Episode 2

2 years ago

Briefing: After Big Boss rescued Kazuhira Miller from the grasp of the Soviets all while fighting off the unit that wiped out his bodyguards and left him for dead, Big Boss ties up some loose ends at Mother Base before setting off to begin what would eventually become Zanzibar Land. Meanwhile, despite being uneasy about being under the command of his good friend's "phantom" from then on, Sec deploys the first of his two new agents to Afghanistan to rescue the man responsible for creating his new bionic arm....

Elaboration: If those thought that Sec would become Venom like canonically, this must be a surprise for you all, eh? Truth be told, Venom Snake himself, while I understand him in concept, was UNDERUTILIZED in the game he's supposed to star in minus the stuff like his arc with Quiet. He never came off to me as the very Venom that you encounter and kill in Metal Gear 1, as he seemed to be more of a loyal soldier that took the highest honor of standing in for his leader instead of the supposed "mad man" he was hinted to be. Let's just say that with TUP, I want to cover how he became Venom Snake in a different manner. Becoming "another person" is bound to have negative mental consequences, especially if one throws away everything they knew just to play a certain "part". Max and Faith are another part that I wanted to have in the story as their purpose will be revealed besides being Andre's two agents, but for now I can just say they are a parallel of what Snake and Eva could've been if they had the chance to be together.

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