Cross examination (final attempt) of College of Physicians and Surgeons expert

2 years ago

College of Physicians and Surgeons expert in Public Health and Medical Health Officer for Northern BC Dr. Trevor Corneil has not provided any response to Cross examination from Hearings posted Publically on February 21, 22, and 23. This video is a brief summary of cross examination and final attempt to procure a response. This is the final day of a Public hearing of the College of physicians and surgeons of British Columbia scheduled for February 21-24, 2023. Despite having scheduled the hearing themselves, thus far the college has refused participation in an online public hearing of their own demand.
This video was posted Before noon on February 24th, 2023 and link sent to College of physicians lawyers and Dr. Trevor Corneil before noon as well.
Additional telephone notice was attempted before Noon, February 24th 2023.

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