The Beginning Your StrawMan

2 years ago

Topic: Webinar - "The Beginning " With Adrian West & Dean Longhurst
Time: Jan 11, 2023 07:30 PM London. Joined with People's Health Alliance.

The Chat to The live show.

A weekly PHA webinar explaining and outlining the basics with an introduction from the beginning of your first breath into this world and how you became a slave to the system you know today, and what you can do, to regain back your life as a living breathing “Man or Woman” & learn your rights we all live a under Common, Natural & Universal Law.and Live Life Out.

Unfortunately the introduction to the Webinar and the live video isn't playable so we have removed them from the recording. However, the link to the video Is :


Here you will find the Birth Certificate Explained. Without OUR awareness when we are born we are born as OUR sex Woman, Man with birth right to it all from land homes gold free to travel..etc.. This is OUR first identity into this realm we call the world of living..

When your Mum and Dad Create a name for you and register you they have just created a legal fiction on paper giving you 2 identities. Your Pa- Rents become an informant they register you loosing all them rights that you will never learn and become stuck in a legal system owning nothing.

Here you will find out how each new child that been born since 1933 they have used OUR name by registering us, thereby creating a Corporate Person. Denying You from any rights to Real Property or Your Land etc..

Here you will see that your birth certificate is a bond. When you was born you would have been given Gold in your birth weight. So if you have ever heard your a weight in Gold. This is where This Quote comes from..

Your Birth certificate is your trust which is your bond to YOUR Gold. Its kept in a Cestui Que Act 1666 and by them taking your birth certificate duplicating it and swapping it with another one which is created in black DEAD CAPITIALS LETTERS as your name, your name is now a corporation you are a slave and you own nothing taking all your rights away and making you pay for it. To be free you have to go and live on water. Unless WE stand up TOGETHER for what they took away from us, when we didn't know better as you was an innocent child.

These bonds are connected to the stock market and the more you learn the deeper it gets. You are paid out by your own bonds as wages and also if you go to prison your prison number are all connect to the stock market. its all done by design.
The highest bidder will transfer you any where global depending on the offence and how much you put into there system. Advertising is everything. Crime is advertised a lot. Just Saying..

So your earning these private corporations money while they are dipping into your funds taking large amount out putting them into other corporations that are going to rise up in value and they get the pay out of the rise on the stock market..

This is also done by your NI number which also is connected to your private trust each time you get paid you get paid by that trust and not just that they take what they need. They double dip even when you pay your energy bills, the reference numbers you give are also connected to this too.

Why Your Strawman is dead: Bringing you as much information as possible.


We ALL can take OUR own power back, but on your journey you must inner-stand that everything is built up on lies and distractions to cover up or keep you away from looking its to keep you to busy working for the system so you don't find the out the truth.

To take yourself out of the system we all call life isn't easy but can be done and it's down to you as individual to learn the knowledge the tools and stand up to is lawfully. I have brought several tools together to help protect yourself. These are basics tools to learn and use there is more on it all on this channel, sometimes going to deep into it all, can cause more fear or cause us to get stuck into a program fighting paper wars and going no where but in circles. If you are new it can be especially daunting when finding out.. take some time to yourself to process but never stop learning.


Please also learn your Postal Mechanics to help protect your own mail.

Also i'd like to bring It to your attention that NO matter what you think the law is it isn't. Let me explain. The Monarchy & Government laws you may think we all live under has not been around since March 2001. Common Law was Invoked the same day the Monarchy & Government was revoked.


You will see from reading in this notice of cond accept document to the Queen that we all live under a constitutional law which is lawful, equal to all Woman & Man, with OUR law which is Do No Harm, Do No Loss or Injury to Others. You will then start to see/feel with your own eyes and heart that there legal system you've been made to believe isn't actual law but fiction and a illusion of Spelling of words to keep you trapped/divided to keep us inslaved paying and living in a cage without bars and in a program built up on fear and conditioning from birth. We then are giving all our energy, money to those who we been taught to think these have more authority and power over us because of there salary and job stats.

Try to remember on your journey NOBODY is going to give you your power back only you the knowledge you learn and how you use it, Stand as a sovereign being under the law it will protect you.

without law there is No freedom.
With law there is freedom for all.

affidavit Extended questions of laws

Common law Larceny

This is the start of my journey lots of information on here please scroll through if you wish, go with what resonates and don't judge a book by its cover because you don't inner-stand some information on there its very deep in parts..

Everything you ever learned is a lie.. Welcome to your Great Awakening. don't be fearful. We all here to learn and share our views and pull together . if we can get all population to live all under our law it opens more doors for us all. For this to work is to spread the information stand together.

Thanks to everyone that involved. The Freedom for OUR children is what this is all about..

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