Fake Science Powered the COVID-19 PSYOP

1 year ago

It's a well-known fact that there is a HUGE crisis in science now. Scores of investigative articles have been about the topic. In fact, only 36% of scientific experiments can be replicated by other scientists. However, two areas of science where fraudulent conclusions have been sold to the public as "fact" is the pseudo-science of virology and the pseudo-science of climatology.
Both of these areas of scientific inquiry do not involve examining empirical physical evidence that viruses actually exist or that anthropogenic "climate change" (formerly called "Global Cooling" in the 70s then "Global Warming" in the 90s, until both lies were disproven) is actually something that we as a species should be genuinely concerned with to the point that we are ready to allow our civilization to overturned in order to deal with those problems, even if they truly existed.
In this video, you'll get to listen to an interview with Dr. Andrew Kaufman, M.D., who will walk you through the scientific fraud surrounding the COVID-19 PSYOP in particular. He will point out, like I did in the investigative essay I wrote about the PSYOP in 2020, that the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus which authorities told us was running rampant throughout the world and killing millions of people, and which necessitated all of the unprecedented and Draconian measures that public health authorities subjected us to, was NEVER physically isolated and purified to prove that it actually existed. "Show me the electron micrographs" of the virus, I demanded! It turns out that they don't exist, and they never will, because the so-called "SARS-CoV-2" virus doesn't exist.
It was all a HUGE fraud--a well-rehearsed medical takeover of our planet by the Globalists, as well as the largest [vertical] wealth transfer in human history. All that, like the climate change projections that scientists and the bought-and-paid for FAKEstream media feed us 24/7/365, was all done using computer models rather the rigorous, empirical methods of science that have always been used to establish whether a theory or a hypothesis or a theory is correct or not.
See my related article "COVID-19 PSYOP Exposed"
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