This Land They Call Labrador

2 years ago

Hello my friends. This video features another song from my latest CD, "On The Road To Seventy", which will be released in early April of this year. I wrote "This Land They Call Labrador" in 1997, when I was assigned to Labrador, to record the Environmental Assessment Hearings for the Voisey's Bay nickel mining project. For over two months I traveled with the Review Panel and support staff, seen in this group picture, to every community on the coast, from Goose Bay to Nain, and to Labrador City and Wabush in in the interior. It was a tremendous experience for me, and I met many people from all over Labrador. My job was to record the hearings , and in doing so, I heard many stories from the Inuit and Innu nations , describing their concerns about the impact that the VBNC mine could have on the environment and their culture. I dedicate this video to all those who were there at the time and to all future generations to come.

You can now download this song, and copy the lyrics for free, by clicking on the More icon in the header of my new website at If you go there, please sign my Guest book on the bottom of the Bio page, and share my site with others. Thanks for watching. Shalom.

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