"Carbon Capture" Pipelines: Dangers to Liberty, Health & Environment

1 year ago

The proposed "carbon capture" pipelines set to destroy huge swaths of midwestern farmland are dangerous to liberty, the environment and even human health, warned activist leader and businessman Joe Golding in this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman. "It's very disruptive of some of the most productive agricultural land in the world," he explained, adding that much of the land would be rendered substandard or even useless. It's also incredibly dangerous to human health if and when there is a leak or break in the pipeline, added Golding. Interestingly, Big Oil loves the scheme because it represents another source of profit, paid for by taxpayers, he said. In short, those supporting it are doing so because government is offering massive amounts of taxpayer largesse. ESG also ties into this, he warned.  

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