McFadden, convicted and pleading guilty to sexually directed child molestation

2 years ago

Mr. McFadden, convicted and pleading guilty to sexually directed child molestation, will be a T3 Registrant for the rest of his life with personal verification every 90 days. If you fail to register, if you fail to verify your place of residence according to these specified times, or if you fail to communicate changes to your address or other required information - as described - it will of course result in prosecution.

This court is so tired of seeing adults ruining and abusing children. These are literally just one step away from being a baby. They come to daycare, their parents are struggling, so if they entrust their children to someone during the day, they have at least some level of assurance that their child will be protected and safe, and certainly not expecting that by your letting them both of their children are raped.
You raped a four-year-old and a six-year-old child for sexual gratification. At this point I do not know what impact these young children will experience, but there is not one who does not now understand that the developmental phase of children spans the space from 0 to 6 years. You have absolutely no idea what damage you have done to your sexual satisfaction. To me this is so insane that you used and abused two young children as if they were beings without any meaning. These are human beings, beings with human dignity. Just the fact that they are young little people who can't fight adults - that's why an adult put them in adult care by the way! Tell you what, Mr. McFadden, in my courtroom, rape does not exist without consequences. On point 1 I'll send you to prison for eleven years, on point 4 I'll send you to prison for eleven years. These terms of imprisonment are valid one after the other, so that it is 22 years of imprisonment. 32 days that you have already been in custody will be deducted from this sentence. At this point, the court finds it imperative to protect the public from future crimes, to punish the offender, and to hold that the consecutive prison sentences are NOT disproportionate to the importance of the offender's conduct and the offender's danger to the public . Folks, if you see it, if you smell it, if you know it's happening: report it! These are little children who are the future. I hate to talk in such clichés, but children ARE our future. And if we destroy them, we have no future. And that stops in this courtroom. That's all. Take him away.

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