Advanced Christian Training, Lesson 10 Presenting The Gospel

1 year ago

The Writings of Jean Gibson.
How To Get The Most Out Of Advanced Christian Training.
Your study of Advanced Christian Training will be most profitable if you give heed to the following guidelines for personal preparation and class participation.
Personal Preparation before Class
Set aside adequate time each week for the completion of your homework. You should take the following steps for each lesson:
1. Pray To God. Ask Him to help you understand and apply His Word. Let your prayer be: "Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law" (Psa. 119:18).
2. Answer The Study Guide Questions.
Before reading the NOTES, complete all items of the STUDY GUIDE. If you have difficulty with a question, pass on to the next question and return later to the troublesome question.
3. Read The Notes. Underline important thoughts and mark anything that you do not understand or that you have questions about. Look up key Scripture references and read them from a modern translation, such as the New American Standard Bible.
4. Memorize Personal Evangelism Verses. Use the memory techniques suggested in Appendix A of "Intermediate Christian Training." Begin learning new memory verses early in the week. At the end of the week, check yourself for the word-perfectness of all memory verses.
Training Class Requirements
True training cannot exist without requirements or without a way to measure learning or the effectiveness of participation. Indeed, training without standards is like a game without rules. If the following standards are observed, then the training in the ACT class will be effective and meaningful.
1. Attendance. The lessons are progressive and cumulative, so plan to attend the full 13 sessions in order to obtain maximum benefit from the training. Excessive absences (three or more) will leave you inadequately prepared for the next training class. Whenever you can, let your leader know in advance about your absence.
2. Homework. Each week turn in your homework to your group leader. Missed homework should be turned in at the first meeting following an absence. Successful completion of the ACT requires that all missed homework be completed well in advance of the final lesson.
3. Promptness. Tardiness displays a contempt for the value of others' time. Prompt attendance at meetings will allow the sessions to begin and finish on time.
4. Memory Work. You are required to memorize one new verse per week from the Personal Evangelism Packet (PEP) which you began in ICT. Successful completion of the ACT requires that all PEP verses be quoted word-perfect.
5. Evangelism Training. You are required to attend two evangelism outings (or equivalent) during the 13-week cycle. If personal circumstances prohibit attendance at planned outings, it is your responsibility to request an alternate means of fulfilling this requirement.
6. Evaluation And Completion Of Training. Your progress will be evaluated by the group leader(s). However, beyond this, you should seek the "AUG" degree—Approved Unto God. Remember that training makes you more responsible before God. Unto whom much is given, much is required (Luke 12:48). The ultimate test of the training is the personal application of God's truth. The proof is in your changed life. If you have made no adjustments after looking into the "mirror" of the Word, then the training has failed (James 1).
7. Record Of Completion. The Record of Completion, when fully filled in and signed by the group leader, is your graduation record. Upon your leader's recommendation, you are eligible to enroll in the Discipleship Training Session (DTS).

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