Man Heroically Saves Dog's Life

1 year ago

Yesterday my friend and I went for a walk around Sloan’s Lake. We saw a dog take off from the opposite side of the lake full speed ahead chasing geese.

We watched in horror knowing the ice would soon run out.

It did, and the dog went down into the lake.

It struggled for a long time as we helplessly looked on, praying it could break enough ice to get to the shore.

But it was getting tired and we could see the struggle wasn’t going to last much longer.

We called 911 and the fire department was on its way. We weren’t sure their rescue would be fast enough.

Then, a #hero took off his clothes and went in to save it.

I am so happy to say he did, and both he and the dog were ok.

This man saved a dog’s life yesterday and for that I am so thankful.

Thank you to those who act #selflessly. He definitely did risk his life to save another.

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