#WarWar3, Things that make you say, hmmm Replay.

2 years ago

Coming up in March will be Day Light Saving time, will they CDC link sudden death to people having heart problems rather than the jab giving to people between 18 and 40 years old?
What causes high ticket prices of concerts, could it be the resales?
Our government can vote themselves a 21 $ raise, but they could not vote the money for a wall, or to protect our Southern Boarder?
President Bush Senior once said “this is a one world order,” are we there yet?
This month we want fans of music to program our radio station ran by the blind and disabled, go to events at innervisionrecords.org, we are also looking for song writers for our upcoming rewrite of "Even Me, The Movie," about two blind guys starting a band!
Go to https://innervisionrecords.org
Save the stork.com
Jab injuries, learn how you can reverse the effects of CEC jabs.
Sponsors of Innervision FM
Christian Brothers Moving Company
The Colorado Arts Relief fund
EDI Mini Grant Funds
Denver Arts & Venue
Join Johnnie J. and Allen C. Leave your voice at 720 324-7278
1,706 of you have ask, “how can we support our nonprofit?” Donate here: PayPal.me/InnervisionDENVER
Cash App: $innervisionJ
Buy my book, “6 Shades of Blindness.”
Listen to innervisionfm.com.
Stream “KINV-DB Innervision FM” Live365

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