A Solution To Obesity & Fatty Liver?

2 years ago

A Solution To Obesity & Fatty Liver? Dr. Kristina A. Varady, PhD

It is estimated that 25% of the US population and 29% of the global population suffer from Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLd). NAFLD is a hallmark symptom of Type-2 Diabetes and obesity. Approximately 65% of obese adults have the disease, and this condition is strongly related to the development of insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes. If left unchecked, fatty liver disease can lead to more serious complications like cirrhosis or liver failure, but there are limited good drug options for treating the condition. We discuss a simple protocol that has been shown in a clinical trial to help reverse NAFLD and correct insulin sensitivity in patients. If you've been diagnosed with NAFLD tune in to take control of your life and health.

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