Reiki Energy Healing remove any blocks preventing you from having the Peace of Mind God intended🙏🏻

2 years ago

We were all born with everything we need to be peaceful, happy and loving. But somewhere along the line someone convinced us that we were in lack. We believed that we were missing something. We were not. But that belief also made us believe God was missing from inside us. That is a lie. There is no hole inside us. Its not possible. What your perceive as a hole is just an error in judgement. Stop believing God is not in you. He has always been with you. Its not possible for him not to be with you. Romans 8:38.

This lie of lack caused us each to make a priority list of things outside ourselves that we need to be hole. Then a priority list of values likes and dislikes according to how we think we can attain those priorities. Each of us has a different list. A different priority and so we are all fighting all the time.

Its all a lie. Its all insanity.

All we need is to remember who we are. We are all one and we all have one need and that is each other. When we realize this fighting is getting us nowhere and if we stop and work together towards our one need this world will heal. We will be restored to sanity. And i cannot wait. I will do everything in my power to help that process along.

This reiki session was made with the intention to remove any blocks stopping you from seeing the truth that there is no hole. You are whole. Be in abundance not lack.

I love you.


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