Ofra Graicer - Systemic Operational Design

2 years ago

Dr. Ofra Graicer is an expert in systemic operational design (SOD) and aspiring Generalist a-la Joseph Campbell, working for the past two decades with Militaries and Defense establishments around the globe, towards transforming them into self-disruptive systems.

Ofra co-instructs the Israeli Defense Forces Generals’ Course alongside BG (Ret’) Dr. Shimon Naveh, where they prepare Senior Military Officers for General Staff level of performance, and guide them through the process of devising strategy and operations for the new era. Dr. Graicer’s research areas range from Deep Operations to Special Operations and Cyber, where she develops Future Concepts, war-games and simulations.

Her book ‘Two Steps Ahead: From Deep Ops to Special Ops – Wingate the General’ has been circulating in leading military command schools since 2009. Ofra served as a Snipers Officer in the IDF and is educated in Art and Film, Political Science and Security Studies.

You can visit her dedicated website at www.ofragraicer.com

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