Low to Moderate Probability: WHO Was the Last Scientist to Play with Coronaviruses?

2 years ago

Lifelong Environmentalist and Democratic Caucus House Majority Whip Alphonso Lopez Rolls Back Environmentalist Rule in Fletcher v. Rylands

[FOB FREEDOM, February 22, 2023] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Reporting live from the world’s newest banana republic, the year was 1918, and although there was some hesitation in New York, ironically concerned about floods of litigation arising from “dam” problems, during the once-in-a-lifetime Spanish Flu Pandemic, Dixiecrats in Old Virginny joined others in a progressive wave to endorse the 1868 rule announced in the British case of Fletcher v. Rylands, which had simply stated that if a defendant brings an unnatural condition, like a Valdez oil spill, a Love Canal, or maybe even global climate change from carbon emissions, he would be held strictly liable for at least all foreseeable harms, but signalling a little hesitation, the President, when it came to a low to moderate risk of government scientists possibly permitting a dangerous biohazard to escape, the more likely scenario became a zoonotic evolution, or even as Dr. Kristian G. Andersen of Scripps Research Laboratories, has claimed a double zoonotic evolution, even though the zoonotic source remains elusive some three years after a pathogen, found in sewage samples in Barcelona in March 2019, acknowledged even in the 120-page WHO Global Study, that obviously failed to satisfy the muster of the Wall Street Journal, now calling not for scientists, like at WHO, but congressmen, to launch an inquiry into the cause of what they suggest finds over 15 million fatalities worldwide, more than double the official total reported by the WHO that had declared the pandemic. Things that make you say, “Mmmm.” Where my dogs at? Hell! What happened to English?

In March 2020, even Alexandria Democrats who had signed up to participate in a Saint Patrick’s Day Parade said Oh Hell No on the day of the parade that their fearless and later infected Mayor, a graduate of 90% selective VCU—a Commonwealth partner in the state’s pandemic response, especially when organizing Facts and Faith Fridays, for Negro Clergy, like former magna cum laude alumnus of Duke University’s Pratt School of Engineering—a double major in electrical and biomedical engineering—Rev. Howard-John Wesley, the lively Senior Pastor at the historic Alfred Street Baptist Church, with his now subject to litigation under the FACE Act vaccines only for in-person worship policy, while continuing to recover in mental health therapy after a bout feeling distant from God—and perhaps, unlike the Alexandria GOP who continued to violate social distancing, wholly unaware of the thousands that died after the Liberty Loan Parade. But, call it a miracle, even though they fielded no candidates to oppose the Commonwealth Attorney, who ran unopposed, they did not perish and die from a novel coronavirus bigger than God, that found not even one Alexandria raising unholy Hell about closed churches—nor did they find any members of the clergy, and why do something for which you won’t get any votes, or generous donations? Simply not logical.

But now the science deniers in Congress have control of the House, and they are beginning testimonies about the government health response, and any Pew Research Center survey reader knows that in April 2020, 48% of these crackhead Jesus freaks had not even gone to college, while denying a novel coronavirus was a product of nature. What do you expect from Creation Scientist, right? And the more educated the Trump voters were, the less likely they were to believe in such unintelligible propositions, for which “wall of separation” Thomas Jefferson, namesake of the author of the manifesto of neutrality on the pandemic at the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University, had said should be ridiculed, the best weapon. Some of them even still claim the last presidential election was stolen, for the love of science. So, one might reasonably assume that that is getting nowhere faster than gaining access to the Wujan lab, which Wall Street Journal seems yet determined to do. Good luck in senior year.

However, one fringe independent who may not be a Republican, according to Blue Virginia, a proposition with which Arlington GOP, VA8 GOP, and the Republican Party of Virginia would agree, presents a singular hypothetical: what if the Negroes—Black Lives Matter—had accidentally been the victims of a novel coronavirus that, you know? Escaped! Over 73,000 of those oppressed peoples had died, tragically, before the first anniversary of the pandemic. And, there is a possibility, wholly conceivable, that Donald Trump, who denied the science, and embraced White Supremacists may have bamboozled us all, and killed those Negroes, “sho nuf.” And, in an achievement gap, they died none the wiser. Do you want the House GOP blowing that investigation? And don’t forget the gay men who died from this virus.

And, oddly, most recall that Barack Obama wasn’t elected until 2008, but John Baric was running around during the Bush Administration, saying he was performing “research”, which would give Jimmy Kimmel a laugh, on recombinant coronaviruses, and the only coronavirus threat at that point to humans was OC229E, a marginal infecting agent in the common cold, discovered for the first time in 1965, and more akin to a chicken coronavirus. Even the NIOSH, in 2010, had anticipated a pandemic from avian flu, H1N1, when they had tested nonmedical grade substitutes for respiratory protection to provide nonessential in the unlikely event that a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic occurred. But Baric was convinced the pandemic next time would be from a bat coronavirus and applied for a patent on his recombinant methodologies. Is it just a coincidence that in 2003, lo and behold, SARS-CoV was a bat coronavirus, which, intriguingly found primarily nosocomial outbreaks, with no wider community spread. If conservatives didn’t attend college, the Negro killers may get off, because how likely is it that they will read a science report. They rely on Tucker Carlson, Dan Bongino and YouTube videos.

According to the zoonotic origins report from the CDC in June 2020, one Xing Ye Ji, of the Wuhan Virology Institute, was given credit for cultivating a SARS-like coronavirus in 2012, ironically the same year of the MERS-CoV outbreak on the Arabian Peninsula, also noted for a peculiar preference for nosocomial settings outbreaks, despite being attributed to a dromedary camel coronavirus, which even the CDC admits not even one camel handler ever caught. Perhaps, like the first canine monkeypox case, someone in a hospital on the Arabian Peninsula felt lonely and in need of love. Who can say?

But, in March 2015, at UNC-Chapel Hill, why were John Baric and Xing Ye Ji present when they had decided to inhumanely infect a mouse, albeit not in violation of Don Beyer’s Humane Cosmetics Act, with a SARS-like coronavirus that they had successfully cultivated in vivo, as Xing Ye Ji had done in 2012, but also for the very first time for any virus, in vitro? Why didn’t Baric’s research in 2002 assist us to prevent the current pandemic, the SARS or MERS outbreaks? Does John Baric have a curious habit of playing with chimeric, recombinant coronaviruses and applying for patents at the most convenient times? You look like an intelligent person, and Virginia is relying on its most educated municipality, by credential, in the seventh most educated, by credentials, state in the nation, albeit behind New Jersey, which says a lot for education that hit record lows in math and reading because of a pandemic, for which John Baric may have played a hand, accidentally, of course, with the low to moderate probability that some of his top secret research, not published in peer-reviewed science reports, as one might expect in dual use research of concern (DURC), associated with classified special access programs (SAPs), may have, you know? Escaped, and killed the Negroes. Black lives matter, right? And, don’t forget the gays. This might make a wonderful drag time story hour topic for the next Black History Month.

Note: grandiosity is a classic sign of bipolar disorder, and we don't want to hurt his feelings lest he go to “that place”, so familiar to Arlington Public School Board Member, Latina Cristina Torres-Diaz.

Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim-cherry. A pandemic agent as lucky can be. Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim--achoo. The luck'll rub off when I bump fists with you. Or blow me a kiss, and catch COVID-2.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE! https://rumble.com/vp2uk1-attorneys-need-not-apply-you-have-the-right-to-remain-silent.html.

For more on this topic, please call Major Mike Webb for Virginia at (802) HOT-RLTW, or email at mike.webb84@gmail.com.

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