Ep. 2: "Revive Us Again!" | A Saga of Revivalism, Revolution, and Reconciliation

2 years ago

Thank you for being you & thank you for visiting!

I'm continuing a new series on hymnology, and this is a triple-feature(!) broadcast wherein we will explore:
(1) the History behind the hymn "Revive Us Again!";
(2) some Theory concerning Music, Poetry, and Conducting;
(3) some Study prompts for y'all to keep growing closer to this hymn :)

If you'd like to look closer at my Keynote slides, please consider looking out for a soon-to-come blog post via https://deopatriaelitteris.wordpress.com/ . Also: please check out the 'Timestamp Guide' which I've provided below.

P.S. If you'd like to support me in this project of mine (or related artistic and scholarly endeavors), subscribe to https://hymnandhuh.locals.com/ + https://rumble.com/c/c-2340702 :)

-- Timestamp Guide --

*** Phase 1/3: History ***

+ Electric Piano Improv & An Acapella Cover (00:00 - 02:12)
- Note: there's an attribution credit for a cool projector sound (i.e. https://freesound.org/people/Franq/sounds/60971/ ) that was in my Adobe Premiere Pro editing software but somehow doesn't playback in this version 🤷🏻

+ Introduction (2:12 - 14:43)
- Dr. Martin Luther Quote
- Setting the record straight...Dr. William MacKay composed the lyrics and the tune ✅ , but Mr. J.J. Husband did not harmonize the tune ❌-- another dude, Mr. Henry E. Dibdin, did that task ✅
- Important Theological-Political Themes: Revivalism, Revolution, and Reconciliation; Millennialism as well as Pre-Millennialism; intro to the 6 Gents

+ But Why Should I Care? (14:43 - 1:38:06)
- Revolution Remains Relevant, Right?
- Had you heard about the recently trending Asbury Revival in Kentucky?
- Beginning to reconcile Rev. John Shelby Spong, Dr. Barker's Cultural Studies, Washington's Evergreen State College incident, & Ms. Amala Ekpunobi: isn't each member in that set trying to be revolutionary?
- Is 'Wokeness' a Christian Heresy? Rev. Paul Vander Klay ➡️ Mr. Tom Holland ➡️ Dr. Edward Feser.
- Reconciling Progressives & Conservatives, Theists & Atheists, etc ➡️ Ms. Mindy Kaling's Velma.... ➡️ Deism (as a recurring heresy; https://soul-candy.info/2015/06/the-heresy-of-deism-the-enlightenment-the-trinity/ ): Dr. Tim McGrew, Dr. Richard Whately, & Dr. James B. Jordan.
- U.S. Presidents, mapping of various Christian traditions, & Deism.
- Ready To Harvest: great points about limitations of charts, graphs, & maps
- Mr. Rick Atchley's Chair Prop Sermon

+ Ok! So, What's The Scoop? (1:38:06 - 2:15:35)
- 6 Gents: Pre-view
- Theological-Political Themes: Re-viewed (The 4 Great Awakenings; A-Millennialism, Pre-Millennialism, Millennialism, & Post-Millennialism; The Old School - New School Controversy in Presbyterian circles; this hymn is more shaped by The New School folks)
- This Hymn's History: The Gist
- "The Nation's Church" ➡️ St. Paul's Episcopal Church

+ Gent 1/6: Rev. William McClanachan (2:15:35 - 2:22:36)
- Bonus Character; Scholarly Courtesy

+ Gent 2/6: Mr. J.J. Husband (2:22:36 - 2:34:06)
- Core Character; he did not harmonize the tune ❌

+ Gent 3/6: Mr. Charles G. Finney (2:34:06 - 2:53:01)
- Bonus Character; Scholarly Courtesy

+ Gent 4/6: Mr. Edward P. Hammond (2:53:01 - 3:10:45)
- Bonus Character; Scholarly Courtesy

+ Gent 5/6: Dr. William P. MacKay (3:10:45 - 3:49:42)
- Core Character; composed the lyrics and the tune ✅

+ Gent 6/6: Mr. Henry E. Dibdin (3:49:42 - 4:13:48)
- Core Character; he did harmonize the tune ✅

*** Phase 2/3: Theory ***
+ Resuming (4:13:48 - 4:14:52)
+ On Counting/Timing/Rhythm (4:14:52 - 4:24:51)
+ A Brief Analysis of the 1869 version & a cover of it (4:24:51 - 4:32:21)
+ A Brief Analysis of the 1875 version & a cover of it (4:32:21 - 4:36:52)
+ An Analysis of the 1993 version (4:36:52 - 5:00:22)

*** Phase 3/3: Study ***
+ Sopranos, sing with me! (5:00:22 - 5:02:43)
+ Altos, sing with me! (5:02:43 - 5:04:34)
+ Tenors, sing with me! (5:04:34 - 5:06:26)
+ Basses, sing with me! (5:06:26 - 5:08:17)
+ Everybody, sing with me! (5:08:17 - 5:10:13)
+ More prompts for ya! (5:10:13 - 5:11:43)
+ BONUS orchestral cover of this hymn (5:11:43 - 5:14:25)


If you'd like to get connected (if we’re not already), here are some social media handles!

My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/westonscriv...
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weston.scrivner
My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/weston-sc...
My Wordpress: https://deopatriaelitteris.wordpress....


As always, I pray that the gracious and peaceful force of God will be with you always & that the odds shall be ever more in your favor! ️ ️

Yours sincerely,

— Weston (or: Gastun, your friendly neighborhood re-penting Christ-ian)

Abyssus abyssum invocat! ♾️ 😎 🖖🏻 🙏🏻 ♾️

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