The Events Worldwide and Demonic Takeover.

2 years ago

Demonic Takeover Has Commenced.
Abrahamic House One World Religion Crislam*

Opening to the Public on March 1 2023.

Grid attacks
Train Derailments
Record Rain Snow Cold Snaps
Flooding -Flash Floods
Turkey 8.0 Earthquake and then almost a 7.
China border earthquake
Hurricanes , record tornados.
Supply chain disruptions.
Demonic Possessions Skyrocketed
Hybrid Sightings Increased

Poleshift is part of the 6th seal. These events and all the bowls continue and they are not always in order. These will all continue and gradually get worse until Jesus the Christ Second Coming After the Antichrist makes his appearance known to the World. After the fake alien invasion to mask the Rapture.

Your Door is Now Slamming Shut If you are still Worshipping god of the old testament you are blindly following the devil in disguise for he wrathful vengeful jealous angry,mast of disguise and lies and would hurt people for no reason. He's the God of the Jews.

Yaldaboath Salkis Samuel Aka Yahweh Jehovah, Elohim Lucifer Baal Moloch Red Dragon, prince of the air ect...

If you truly choose Jesus not the fake one hanging up by the Vatican, then you have found the Father Pistis Faith and have walked by FAITH and will continue to do so until Jesus Takes you Home.

I Am Daughter of FAITH, Daughter of WISDOM, Sister of JESUS The CHRIST, Consort of Archangel Michael.

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