How to make compost in a bucket in 5 weeks for beginners

2 years ago

In this video we are going to look at how a beginner can easily make compost out of shredded paper, dry leaves, garden soil, fruit and vegetable scraps in any container in five weeks. This is a composting for beginners experiment that can be easily done at home with pro tips to take your compost to the next level that your plants will love.

@Sustainable Journey

00:00 How to easily make compost in any container you find at home
00:50 What we used to make compost, a bucket
01:20 Compost ingredients: dry leaves, kitchen waste, shredded paper, soil
01:38 Best method to quickly make compost
02:47 Don't put this into compost
02:57 Layering ingredients to make the best compost
03:38 Half way results
03.59 Compost after five weeks results
04:13 How to improve compost
04:42 Tip to make composting easier
04:55 Using starter compost to kick start a big compost bin

Watch what you can bury in your garden to improve the soil:

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