1 year ago

Joe Biden in many members of the united nation and you can say whatever you want about the united nation is blue y'all much true they lie cheat and steal them do all sorts of nasty things their army rape and pillage and take advantage over a week locations throughout the world! Well you know bill Gates wants to depopulate the world like his father was driving through through pull it Planned Parenthood and there's more of this happening because if your children get the vaccine well your sons Will not be able to father children because what's in your testicles is dead! Besides that if you get those shots where anyone gets those shots yeah not only shortens your life but put you under care of a medical doctor who is the fit that you are robbed blind Indian your life will be shortness soon as your money runs out does a soon as your money runs out you are breathing space you're going to be worm food! Sorry to put it bluntly but that's the truth they don't like you they don't like me but I am an old veteran a great grandfather eight times and I used to monitor these creeps those of the two and three and four letter agencies of our government and they are not nice people! We have some good people but they keep their mouth shut because they wanna keep their jobs they want to keep on breathing!

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