Ellen Barkin LIES On Johnny Depp's Name ONE MORE TIME & Marilyn Manson Accuser Admits She LIED!

2 years ago

Ellen Barkin was interviewed about her testimony in the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial by Huffington Post; very timely interview. While she was a big get for the Heard team, her testimony ultimately proved inconsequential as she didn't have the goods. Sucks to suck. But now, she decided to torpedo any credibility by being outed as a liar and previously corroborating with Amber Heard, after explicitly stating she had never met her before. Birds of a feather, hey?

Depp's friend and fellow case catcher, Marilyn Manson, has recently caught a w by having one of the suits against him dropped by Ashley Morgan Smithline. Her allegations were ghastly and completely fabricated! She just admitted to making everything up and placing all the blame on Evan Rachel Wood, the other Manson accuser. She claims to have been coerced by the Wood camp into making the allegations and filing the lawsuit. That's all well and good, but what about the false charges that have already done the damage?

The Huffington Post: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ellen-barkin-poker-face-interview_n_63ecff5ee4b022eb3e33e4d2
Page Six 1: https://pagesix.com/2023/01/04/marilyn-manson-accuser-ashley-morgan-smithlines-case-dismissed/
PS2: https://pagesix.com/2023/02/23/marilyn-manson-accuser-evan-rachel-wood-manipulated-me/

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#JohnnyDepp #Depp #AmberHeard #EllenBarkin #EllenBarkinLied #AmberHeardLied #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #JustinForMarilynManson #EvanRachelWood #AshleyMorganSmithline

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