Onision Debating "Haters" Drama - Leave MrRepzion Alone (2013) (OfficialGATG Repost)

2 years ago

Originally published on July 3, 2013

This is video to end all videos talking about the Onision debates (unless I for some reason get some overwhelming response to where I have to comment on it). This is not a hate video, this is me telling Greg to move on with his life and not force people to go into debates and find other people to debate him if he so desperately wants to feed his hunger for debating more and more. If MrRepzion were a true coward, he wouldn't have made the videos he made on you let alone have a Youtube channel.

P.S. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them a hater. It makes them a critic.


Credit: OfficialGATG

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