Why Alabama Basketball Star Brandon Miller Delivered Handgun to Teammate Darius Miles | Ep 387

2 years ago

Alabama sparked outrage following testimony that implicated basketball star Brandon Miller in a murder investigation. Detectives say that Miller’s former teammate, Darius Miles, texted the sophomore, asking him to meet him to retrieve a gun that Miles left in Miller’s vehicle. Miles now faces murder charges after using that weapon to kill a young mother, Jamea Harris. Immediately following the incident, Miles was booted from the team by head coach Nate Oats. After this week’s testimony, sports media, fans, and armchair journalists are asking why Brandon Miller wasn’t arrested and why he is still playing for the Crimson Tide. Police are calling him a cooperating witness, but that’s not enough to keep people on social media from vilifying him. Pundits like Clay Travis rushed to judgment and have found him guilty on Twitter. Jason says the entire saga is far too complicated to be tried in a tweet. This case requires actual journalism. “Fearless” takes an in-depth look at the Miller case, and Jason reveals what compelled an otherwise great kid, from a great family, to deliver that gun. #jasonwhitlock #fearless #blazetv #brandonmiller #dariusmiles #dariusmilesmurder #alabamabasketball #brandonmillergun #rolltide #jameaharris #nateoats

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